What! Alia started dating in sixth standard

 Actress Alia Bhatt was an early learner! She says she started dating in Class sixth, but explains that those relationships were harmless and innocent.

"I started dating in the sixth standard. That wasn't really dating. We'd used to just smile at each other from across the classroom," Alia said on popular talk show "Koffee With Karan".

The actress, who will flaunt a gold coloured gown by designer Shehla Khan, will be joined by her "Student Of The Year" co-stars Siddharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan Sunday, on the chat show that will be aired on Star World.

On the movies front, Alia will be seen in Imtiaz Ali's "Highway" opposite Randeep Hooda and Abhishek Verman's "2 States" with Arjun Kapoor.

By arrangement with Mid-Day.com